Westminster strives to keep those within our church family, in the local community, and in the world beyond informed of the latest in worship, music, mission, Christian education, special events and more.
Westminster Chimes
Get a full-color look into the latest happenings! Download issues from the past two years of our newsletter filled with colorful graphics and inspiring details. If you would like to download the PDF file, simply click on the link below and then select the “Download as PDF” option.
Are you a regular contributor and planning out your communications? Download the current Chimes deadline schedule.
Westminster Weekly Word
The Westminster Weekly Word is our weekly e-newsletter distributed every Thursday. It consists of short, simple blurbs designed for quick reading. Not receiving the Weekly Word directly to your inbox? Sign up now! The deadline for announcement submissions is always Tuesday at 2 p.m. for that week’s edition.
Latest editions:
Annual Report
Each year, Westminster publishes a comprehensive annual report as an overall summary of our programs, spiritual growth, and finances. How inspiring it is to see what can be accomplished in one year!
If you would like to download and save the PDF file, simply click on the link above to view online and then select the “Download as PDF” option.
Looking for worship bulletins?
They can be found in our worship archive on the Watch page.