How do we show our care and support for one another?

Outreach by Our Deacons

In the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Deacons are ordained to a ministry of compassion, witness, and service and promise to teach charity, urge concern, and direct the people’s help to the friendless and those in need. The Westminster Deacons support our family of faith by sending cards and making phone calls throughout the year. Each week the Deacons deliver flowers to members in retirement communities and others who are unable to attend in-person worship. They also deliver poinsettias and lilies to this same group at Christmas and Easter. The Deacons host several annual intergenerational events that bring the Westminster community together and encourage fellowship among adults and children. See Staff + Leadership for a list of current Deacons.

Pastoral Calls and Visitations

Our pastors are available to visit those who are hospitalized and/or confined to health facilities and to meet with members who are in need.

One-on-One Care (Stephen Ministry)

Stephen Ministers are trained church members who provide confidential, non-judgmental, one‐on‐one Christian care to those in our community who are experiencing difficulties, including health circumstances, family challenges, financial struggles, life transitions, and grief and loss. Stephen Ministers have received extensive training in listening skills and in providing compassionate emotional and spiritual care. They support and encourage their care receivers for as long as the need is there. Anyone experiencing a difficult time can request a Stephen Minister.

Grief Support Group

The Better Days Grief Support Group offers the opportunity for people who are mourning the death of a loved one to process their feelings and experiences in a safe, confidential, small group environment. The group meets for eight weeks and participants receive a resource bag of materials that aids in personal reflection and group discussion.

Prayer Requests

We believe prayer brings immense comfort and peace to those who are suffering or in crisis. The Prayer Ministry Team is a group of faithful members who have covenanted to pray regularly for our community, especially those who have shared their joys and concerns by submitting a confidential Prayer Request. Anyone can submit a Prayer Request for any reason. Let us pray for you.

Prayer Shawls

“Close Knit,” Westminster’s Prayer Shawl group, creates beautiful, hand-made shawls to give to people in need of care. The shawls are physical reminders of the prayers and love from our community of faith.

Meal Trains

In moments of crisis or transition, planning and preparing meals can become a burdensome task. The church can help take this off your plate. Upon request, Westminster provides meal trains for individuals or families who are experiencing illness, adjusting to life with a new child, or navigating other challenges. A meal train typically provides two to three meals per week for a set time frame, which can range from a couple of weeks to a couple of months.

Memorial Services

See Life Events for more information.