One joy of sharing life together in Christian community is the opportunity to mark milestones together. No matter where you are on your journey of faith, Westminster is here to surround you with love and care.

Baptism is one of two sacraments practiced by Presbyterians (the other is the Lord’s Supper). In the waters of baptism, God claims us as beloved children and calls us to a new way of life marked by love, justice, and peace. Through the Sacrament of Baptism, we become members of Christ’s body, the church, and are welcomed into the family of faith. For this reason, baptism is always celebrated in a service of public worship. Baptism marks the beginning of a lifelong process of faith formation; though Presbyterians practice both adult and infant baptism, the sacrament is not repeated in an individual believer’s life.
If you are new to our community of faith and have not been baptized, or are a member who wishes to have your child(ren) baptized, we look forward to celebrating this sacrament with you.

Many Presbyterians choose to baptize their children at a very young age. Though many cannot remember this moment, it is the initial step in their journeys of faith. The next step is up to them. When they are older (grades 9 to 11), youth can participate in our Confirmation Class to learn about Scripture, Presbyterian beliefs and tradition, and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. At the conclusion of the class, participants are given the opportunity to stand up and say, “Yes, I am choosing this faith for myself.” Once confirmed, youth become active members of the Westminster congregation who can vote and hold office.

Marriage and Premarital Counseling
Westminster is honored to celebrate with couples as they enter the covenant of marriage. Our pastors are available to officiate weddings for both Westminster members and non-members, for both same-sex and heterosexual couples. Prior to their wedding service, the presiding pastor meets with the couple for Premarital Counseling, which is intended to help partners learn and practice skills for sustaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship.
The wedding ceremony is a service of Christian worship in which God is glorified and the good news of Jesus Christ is proclaimed. Weddings may take place in either of Westminster’s worship spaces: our beautiful sanctuary seats 450 people and our chapel seats 80. The church provides wedding coordinators who assist couples and their guests at the rehearsal and the wedding service. Printed guidelines and fees are available upon request and a personalized tour is available by appointment.

The End of Life
In life and in death, we belong to God. It is a sacred privilege to accompany Westminster members and their families as they prepare for death, celebrate a loved one’s life, or navigate seasons of grief.
Intentions at the Time of Death
Planning funeral arrangements for yourself is not an easy task, but it is beneficial to your survivors, your pastors, and those who will carry out your intentions after your death. It can also bring peace of mind to know you’ve made clear your preferences for an earth burial or cremation, noted the Scripture passages or hymns you’d like included in a Service of Witness to the Resurrection, expressed your wishes regarding memorial contributions, and chosen a funeral home. Westminster keeps a confidential file of such intentions to assist members’ families. Download the form or obtain one through the church office.

Services of Witness to the Resurrection (Funerals and Memorial Services)
Planning a funeral or memorial service to honor, remember, and celebrate a loved one can feel overwhelming. Please know that Wesminster’s pastors and staff are available to provide spiritual and emotional support and assistance with planning a Service of Witness to the Resurrection. Please Contact Us to make arrangements and seek guidance.
Memorial Garden
Westminster’s Memorial Garden is a sacred space where many of our congregation’s saints have been laid to rest. It is tended with love and care and is a peaceful place to sit and remember those who have died. Members who wish to have their cremated remains interred in the Memorial Garden may download an application or obtain one through the church office.