“Every good and perfect gift is from above …” (James 1:17, NIV)

God is the Source of all good things. With thanksgiving for everything we have received, we offer our gifts with a joyful heart and generous spirit. We give not out of obligation, but out of gratitude. Contributing financially is a way for us to become a part of what God is doing at Westminster, in our local communities, and around the world. Every donation has an impact.

Whether you are giving today for the first time or you give every week, please know that your donations make a difference. Thank you for supporting the vision and mission of Westminster Presbyterian Church. God is doing amazing things in and through our community of faith, and we love that you’re a part of it.

Types of Gifts

Annual Pledge

A pledge is a promise to donate a specified amount of money to Westminster over the course of a calendar year on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly schedule. Each year, Westminster invites church members to make a pledge of financial support so that we can effectively plan for our ministry and mission. Offering envelopes can be provided to identify your donations. Annual pledges can be made using the pledge card that you receive in the mail or our secure online pledge form.

Unpledged Giving/One-Time Contributions

Unpledged gifts are sometimes referred to as “one-time contributions” or “freewill offerings” in the sense that they are not recurring gifts. However, many choose to give unpledged donations regularly throughout the year, if they have not submitted a pledge. We welcome your undesignated financial contributions to Westminster’s annual operating budget – or you may choose to designate your gift to a special fund, such as sanctuary flowers, specific ministries or programs, in memory or honor of loved ones, a particular fundraiser…whatever inspires you!

Legacy Gift

For more than 135 years, Westminster has been a blessing to tens of thousands of people – both within and beyond our walls. Because of the vision and commitment of faithful members who preceded us, we reap the benefit of superb facilities, inspiring ministries, and transformative mission partnerships.

It is now our turn to think about how we can ensure a sound future for Westminster. We ask you to consider the impact you can have on future generations by making a planned legacy gift. An unrestricted gift offers the greatest flexibility, because we cannot predict the future. But perhaps your devotion to other needs, such as mission or music, will guide your giving. No gift is too small.

Legacy gifts are a form of charitable giving made in the context of estate planning. They take various forms such as personal bequests, charitable gift annuities, insurance policies, and IRA’s that name Westminster as beneficiary. In most cases, these gifts involve no immediate contribution to the church, but they serve as an expression of our deepest values and an extension of faithful spiritual practice.

Before settling on a particular gift, we encourage you to consult with a legal or financial advisor.

Ways to Give


Each Sunday morning, we collect an offering during or after the worship services. If you use your offering envelope or an envelope with your name on it, your cash gift will be credited to you. Please do not send cash in the mail.


Please make your check payable to Westminster Presbyterian Church and note any specific designation for its use on the memo line. You may bring your gift to the church or mail it to:

Westminster Presbyterian Church
1502 W. 13th Street
Wilmington, DE 19806-4223

Online Giving

We now accept credit and debit cards! If you would like to make a one-time contribution or set up automatic recurring contributions, please access our secure site (powered by Realm/ACS Technologies).

Stock Donation

Donations of appreciated stock can be advantageous from a tax perspective. The church sells the stock and applies the mean value on the date of the transfer toward the purpose you designate. You may make this donation by electronic transfer through your broker; see below for our stock transfer instructions via M&T Securities. To ensure the timely and correct posting of your donation, please notify Colleen Falasco, Director of Financial Operations, at [email protected] or (302) 654-5214 ext. 131, with information about your contribution.

Qualified Charitable Distribution

If you meet IRS conditions (currently age 70½ or 72, if born on or after July 1, 1949), you can make a donation to Westminster directly from your IRA without treating the distribution as taxable income. Please consult with your tax advisor and contact Colleen Falasco, Director of Financial Operations, at [email protected] or (302) 654-5214 ext. 131.

Thank you for your generous support of Westminster’s ministry and mission!