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Democratic Republic of Congo

We welcome you and your enthusiasm to journey alongside the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Learn about the rich culture of the Kananga region and form meaningful connections with fellow Presbyterians by supporting the ministry of our sister congregation, Kamuluma Ditalala.

Experience the joy of sponsoring a young woman’s education as she embarks on a nursing career at the Christian Medical Institute of Kasai, or of constructing a new school in partnership with Build Congo Schools. You can help improve the health of people living in Congo’s rural areas by supporting Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) mission co-workers, Larry and Inge Sthreshley, as they implement a clean-burning cook stove project. Or help preserve Congo’s diverse natural resources by partnering with the grassroots organization, Conserv Congo. This non-profit adopts best-practice farming methods that preserve the rainforest and reduce reliance on trapping wild animals for meat.

We strive to build lasting relationships with local churches and our Congolese sisters and brothers through our New Castle Presbytery Congo Partnership. Come join our team with your hopes and dreams for Congo and Africa!


Guatemala is a country filled with great beauty, hope, joy…and much need. For many years, Westminster has joined with other churches in New Castle Presbytery to respond faithfully to the widespread, critical needs of Guatemalans. Working directly with the Association of Mam Christian Women for Development in the Western Highlands and with the Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America (CEDEPCA) in Guatemala City, we are actively supporting sustainable development initiatives for indigenous women and their families.

Do you like to travel? Do you have time, energy, and resources to share? Are you looking for a personal and impactful international partnership? If so, we need you! Current projects include fuel-efficient stoves, latrines, family gardens, microloans, reforestation, women’s empowerment training, and prayer partnerships – there is something for everyone. No Spanish required!

To learn more, visit our dedicated website at www.ncpguatemala.com.


Did you know that safe drinking water is not readily available to schools in the Gaza Strip? Westminster is working to get clean, healthful water to Gaza’s school children. Get involved in advocating for renewable solar-powered desalination units that produce both power and clean water for United Nations sponsored schools in Gaza. Every unit reliably provides fresh, clean water for 1,000 students!

Syria and Lebanon

As Syria suffered under 11 years of conflict, a collapsed economy, severe food shortages, and crushing economic sanctions, our church community united to bring hope and dignity to people of this war-torn nation. Our dedicated efforts have taken many robust forms of humanitarian support: boots for children, food and fuel packages, repair work on churches and homes, clothing and bedding for displaced people, schooling for refugee children in neighboring Lebanese camps, hygiene packages to prevent COVID-19, and collections of medical and school supplies, as well as tools.

Our latest effort, the Syrian Livelihood Revival Project, helps displaced farmers in Syria return to their villages and resume their former professions. Participating farmers receive sheep, goats, chickens, or bees along with necessary equipment, vet services, and six months’ worth of feed. This is a sustainable project that restores employment, creates a food source at a time of tremendous food insecurity, and stimulates the local economy. Your involvement in the Syrian Livelihood Revival Project will help create self-sustaining lives of dignity for both Muslim and Christian Syrian families.

Peace Drums

Peace Drums is an interfaith initiative to promote peace in the conflicted lands of Israel/Palestine. Inspired by a common calling to “bring light out of darkness – sharing God’s love, striving for justice and working for peace,” committed individuals from Congregation Beth Shalom, Westminster, and the Muslim community established a music education program for Jewish, Christian, and Muslim middle school students in Israel and Palestine. Participants learn to play Steel Drums, which are neither Jewish nor Muslim in heritage. The Steel Drum Band has been wildly successful in touring the United States and Europe while breaking down stereotypes and building friendships forged by the universal language of music. The Peace Drums program looks forward to bringing these musicians back to the United States after the pandemic.

Resettling Afghan Refugees

Since 2017 Westminster members have lived out the imperative of Matthew 25 to “welcome the stranger” by resettling Afghan refugees in our community. This initiative has involved finding housing, furnishing apartments, providing food and clothing, transportation, job coaching, school registration, tutoring, medical and dental support, and general cultural immersion and assimilation. The joys have been many, as the families make new discoveries and learnings, and as they experience a new sense of safety, security, and opportunity. In all cases, the families have been thriving! This has been a multi-faith endeavor as Westminster collaborates with Congregation Beth Shalom, the Muslim community, and other Presbyterian churches. Are you interested in supporting these Afghan families? Volunteer to tutor, drive, mentor, shop and so much more as day-to-day challenges turn into opportunities! Feel the pride as a refugee family becomes self-sufficient and successfully spreads its wings!