Syria and Lebanon
As Syria suffered under 11 years of conflict, a collapsed economy, severe food shortages, and crushing economic sanctions, our church community united to bring hope and dignity to people of this war-torn nation. Our dedicated efforts have taken many robust forms of humanitarian support: boots for children, food and fuel packages, repair work on churches and homes, clothing and bedding for displaced people, schooling for refugee children in neighboring Lebanese camps, hygiene packages to prevent COVID-19, and collections of medical and school supplies, as well as tools.
Our latest effort, the Syrian Livelihood Revival Project, helps displaced farmers in Syria return to their villages and resume their former professions. Participating farmers receive sheep, goats, chickens, or bees along with necessary equipment, vet services, and six months’ worth of feed. This is a sustainable project that restores employment, creates a food source at a time of tremendous food insecurity, and stimulates the local economy. Your involvement in the Syrian Livelihood Revival Project will help create self-sustaining lives of dignity for both Muslim and Christian Syrian families.