We are active in programs of education and advocacy, partnering with local and national organizations to make our voices heard, in order to bring meaningful change in service to justice and peace.

Our primary focus areas include:

  • Education and dialogue on racism and its effects
  • Reducing gun violence
  • Criminal justice reform
  • Equity in education
  • Environmental justice
  • Voting rights

Thursday Evening Education Events

Thursdays, 7 p.m. | Online

Since July 2020, Westminster’s Peace & Justice Work Group has been sponsoring weekly education events on Thursday evenings from 7 to 8 p.m. via Zoom. These events feature notable speakers, videos, and discussions on a broad range of topics.

See a list of recent events here (Google spreadsheet).

View recordings of recent events on YouTube.

Check this page or each issue of the Westminster Weekly Word e-newsletter for information and a link to upcoming events. We’d love to have you join us as we learn together! Subscribe to our e-newsletter!

First Friday Walks for Justice and Peace

First Fridays, 5:30 p.m. | In Person

Start: The Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew (SsAM), 719 N. Shipley Street, Wilmington, DE 19801

End: Rodney Square

Join us for these peaceful, prayerful walks through the center of Wilmington to promote an end to racial and social injustice. We gather in the SsAM parking lot with people from various faith communities to share in this active, visible commitment to justice and peace in our community. We walk in silence, carrying battery-powered candles, ending at Rodney Square. Wilmington staff support these walks by holding traffic at cross streets. It is a very moving experience. Please join us on the First Friday of each month!

Jointly sponsored by:



Racism in America Classes

Much of the racial turmoil in our country today can be traced directly to elements of our history, even before the founding of the United States. Many of the racial stereotypes we hear – or hold – are a direct consequence of intentional public and economic policy and beliefs that have no grounding in genetics.

Other countries with similarly sordid racial pasts have sought to move forward via a process called Truth and Reconciliation. America is in desperate need of such a process. This six-part series embarks on a search for more Truth. Much of it is painful, especially for those of us who profess that every person is a child of God and believe that we are good people who seek justice and peace for all.

Topics in this series are:

  • The Early Years
  • Slavery by Another Name
  • Public Policy and the Civil Rights Movement
  • Mass Incarceration and the War on Drugs
  • Voter Suppression – Then and Now
  • Where Do We Go from Here?

In bringing to light the history many of us didn’t learn in school, we trust we will be transformed in meaningful ways and inspired to act to address the profound inequities that exist in our society today.

If you are interested in learning more about these classes, or scheduling the series for a group via Zoom, please Contact Us.

Active Partnerships

Westminster’s Peace & Justice Work Group is proud to collaborate with local and national organizations that work to further the causes of justice and peace.


The Peace & Justice Work Group has compiled a list (PDF) of recommended books, articles, videos, and movies. The books are listed by reverse publication date (newest to oldest). We hope you find them valuable!

If you have suggested additions to this list, please Contact Us to share your thoughts. Thank you!