The Lord’s Supper
While baptism marks the beginning of the journey of faith, the Lord’s Supper sustains believers on the journey. Whenever we gather at table to celebrate this sacrament, we believe the Holy Spirit draws us into Christ’s presence, nourishes us in faith and faithfulness, and strengthens us for service.
Westminster celebrates the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of every month and at occasional special services. All who trust in Christ are welcome to join us at the table of our Lord, regardless of age or understanding. Sometimes we serve communion by intinction, meaning worshipers are invited to come forward, take a piece of bread, and dip it into the cup of grape juice. Other times servers distribute the elements to the seated congregation. No matter how we share the feast, we trust the Spirit uses ordinary gifts of bread and juice to proclaim the extraordinary love of God.
The Lord’s Supper also reminds us of Christ’s call to “feed my sheep” (John 21:17). The abundance Christ offers in and through this sacrament extends beyond the gathered community to all who are hungry. Therefore we rise from the table and go forth to serve God, one another, and our neighbors throughout the world.